Peaceful CoexistenceReligious Literacy + Legal Literacy =
Peaceful Coexistence
We’ve crafted the following educational experiences based on our theory of change: religiously literate and legally literate professionals are uniquely positioned to promote peaceful coexistence.
In this interactive course you will explore the social and legal history of Muslims in early America. You will interact with primary historical sources that demonstrate how the founders of colonies and authors of the U.S. Constitution and first Presidents defended the rights of Muslims. You will study research from the nation’s leading religion historians, including from curators at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.Founders of colonies and framers of the U.S. Constitution explicitly advocated for the rights of Muslims. Overall, you will measure the impact of the legal developments of our First Amendment rights and reflect on how they informed what we know today as civil and human rights.
After cultivating your content knowledge, you’ll engage your colleagues in a social learning community that you can access from your phone, tablet, and computer. We look forward to learning from and with you!